Brighid Bright

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Journeying to the Goddess

As it has always done, and will continue to do, the Wheel turns. Yule is over, the old year is dead and gone. Though you can’t see it, new life stirs. Of course, it may not feel like it in Upstate New York right now as I look out my window at all the snow coming down. But the days are growing noticeably longer and we know that change is taking place all around us, no matter how small. The Bright One is with us. You can’t help but feel Her presence and Her warmth – Her spark urging and drawing us to awaken from our midwinter slumber.

Traditionally, Brighid presides over Imbolc and for good reason. She is the Maiden in which new life rejoices. We invite Brighid into our homes and lives to help us purify and clear out that which no serves us or is needed from…

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Dear Brighid,

You found me when I wasn’t looking…just like any relationship it is necessary to let go in order to be free of expectations. Your beauty stunned me, ecstatic joy, mystical, grounding.

The connections continue to boggle my linear mind. I’m beginning to realize that to experience You I must also let go of that form of thinking that is the illusion of security in a world that has all but forgotten the necessity of spirit.

This journey, full of mystery, offers me hope.

I begin.

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